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Ticket Tiers
Festival tickets are set up within “Tiers” of prices based on quantity to provide earlier purchasers an opportunity to get a lower price.
For example, a general admission (GA) ticket might have 3 tiers – starting at one price and increasing with each tier. But each ticket within that category is identical in that it comes with the same access and benefits.
Multiple ticket tiers may be visible for you at purchase, select the lowest tier to secure the best deal. Once the tickets within one tier are sold out, they will be marked as such. Since the volume of sales varies for each ticket, it can move from one tier to another at any time. We try our best to notify fans when a tier is about to run out and move to the next tier, but sometimes they move so fast that an update isn’t possible. Sometimes ticket tiers are no longer visible when sold out.
Ticket tiers are our best way of rewarding loyal fans who buy early by giving them access to the lowest price tickets while people who want to wait to purchase might have to pay more.
Ticket Tiers
Festival tickets are set up within “Tiers” of prices based on quantity to provide earlier purchasers an opportunity to get a lower price.
For example, a general admission (GA) ticket might have 3 tiers – starting at one price and increasing with each tier. But each ticket within that category is identical in that it comes with the same access and benefits.
Multiple ticket tiers may be visible for you at purchase, select the lowest tier to secure the best deal. Once the tickets within one tier are sold out, they will be marked as such. Since the volume of sales varies for each ticket, it can move from one tier to another at any time. We try our best to notify fans when a tier is about to run out and move to the next tier, but sometimes they move so fast that an update isn’t possible. Sometimes ticket tiers are no longer visible when sold out.
Ticket tiers are our best way of rewarding loyal fans who buy early by giving them access to the lowest price tickets while people who want to wait to purchase might have to pay more.