Role Model

Role Model's been in love. He was so in love he wrote his entire debut album, Rx, about it. But not all romances last forever, and the 27-year-old’s grieving of that same relationship is at the heart of his sophomore album, Kansas Anymore. He began the project in 2022 but, faced with the end of a formative relationship, he scrapped much of his early work. On his own and reinspired, he started anew, collaborating with Noah Conrad, Ian Fitchuk, Scott Harris, and Jonah Shy to craft Kansas Anymore—a folk-tinged, lyric-driven album featuring 13 new songs, including "Oh Gemini" and "Deeply Still in Love."
Role Model is looking forward to playing these songs live, but more than anything, he’s embracing the sense of pride—and closure—he feels about making the album, about turning a personally heavy season of life into something that might move others. As rough as it was to ride the roller coaster of heartbreak and homesickness, Role Model believes these are the greatest songs he’s made yet.